This course is for you if

You are ready to truly move beyond patterns of castration of men, learn how to deepen in love, soften in devotion and cultivate a truly sacred relationship that endures.

  • You find yourself questioning why men do things and criticizing them

  • You are a feminine woman, but struggle to truly trust men so find yourself being more in directive or controlling in your interactions with them

  • Your already in partnership with a man but find yourself rolling your eyes, nagging, doubting or questioning his judgement regularly

  • You are single and aching to be in loving union with a man worthy of your heart, but fear he will never appear in your life.

What is Devotion?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to feel deep love and reverence for your beloved? That is devotion.

Most women have been taught countless unhealthy ways to relate with men. We have been taught to criticise, blame, shame and ball-bust our way into getting what we want. 

We have learnt to manipulate men like arrogant controlling or self righteous princesses who deep down want to be saved, and then cry poor when the prince who shows up but falls short of our fantasies. 

This way of relating is not only toxic, unhealthy and hurtful, it is also doomed.

Most of us yearn for something different, but until we become willing to bring more devotion into our lives – both for ourselves, our bodies, our hearts and our men – this kind of deep lasting sacred partnership will continue to elude us.

We can never achieve a lasting Sacred partnership if we continue to emasculate the men in our lives.

Devotion is not about being subservient to another, it is about transcending the unhealthy energetics of the mundane and reaching for something truly otherworldly … and not stopping until you find it, together.  

So dear woman, are you are ready to truly, deeply wholly embrace your most feminine essence?

Who is DEVOTED for?

This transformational program is for you if you are ready to be more than just a partner, lover or wife.

DEVOTED is for strong capable independent women who are willing to go all in, to look their fears in the eyes and learn the refined art of honouring a man in order to bring out his best most powerful self.

Regardless of whether you are currently single or partnered, if you are ready to explore, cultivate and embody more DEVOTION in all areas of your life, this program is for you… 

Over this 3 month journey within yourself you will:

  • Enjoy regular women’s embodiment practices to reconnect with yourself
  • Confront, face and move through the parts of you that are damaging your relationship to men
  • Journey into the deepest wounds you hold around men and safely begin to move through them
  • Work through four modules of powerful theory to assess, unravel and reprogram your unhealthy beliefs and attitudes towards men
  • Gather for weekly embodiment practices as we repattern our bodies for more availability, love and healthy self connection
  • Explore and embody a range of feminine archetypes that will transform your relationship to yourself
  • Be part of a sisterhood of courageous women who desire to step into deeper reverence for the masculine

Through DEVOTED you will 

  • Dive into yourself and your own body
  • Explore your needs wants and desires
  • Uncover your ability to honour and love the masculine
  • Awaken your capacity to have reverence for the men in your life
  • Soften into the truth of your innate feminine nature

Praise ~ what other women are saying

~ CO

I recently completed the incredible DEVOTED program created by Bree and I cannot recommend it enough for all women. Bree holds space so beautifully, her energy is safe and supportive no matter where you are at in your journey. I am so grateful to have had to opportunity to work with Bree and look forward to working with her to deepen my healing and embodiment journey in future. Thank you Bree!

~ Jannie

The DEVOTED program was a wonderful experience that both challenged and enriched me as a woman and will forever change the way I view and interact with men and the masculine.

~ OC

Bree created and held a safe container in which I was able to steep in the embodied knowledge of devotion. During these 3 months I was able to shift my perspective on what is Devotion; clarify my relationship with the healthy masculine/feminine; and play with embodied practices.  The combination of head knowledge and body knowledge was a new method for me and I found it deepened my learning. Bree's grounded presence, inclusivity and guidance created a sense of community within our small group of women.  I highly recommend this course.

~ Kara

I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to understand polarity and the masculine and feminine better.  I saw patterns from my family of origin I’d never seen before and I learnt a lot about myself and my role in masculine/feminine dynamics. Delivered with poise and compassion by Bree, this course is a must and extremely good value for money. 

~ BW

Bree is a beautifully passionate, patient and authentic guide into the feminine and masculine and unified embodiment. The space she creates is safe, secure and sacred.  Her knowledge and grace inspired me to unravel and integrate parts of me I had not seen before. Thank you for your love, guidance and nurturing Bree  

Course Content

    1. A welcome from your Facilitator

    2. How to use this online platform - Thinkific

    3. Preparing your practice space

    1. INTRO to Embodiment

    2. FOUNDATIONS | Underlying concepts

    1. Theory call | Exploring our shadows

    2. Homework Reflections & Journalling prompts

    3. Embodiment call | Revealing

    4. Q & A | Inviting his leadership & When to correct a man

    5. Micro teaching | Ditch the criticism & what to do instead!

    1. Theory call | Vulnerability & the Father wound

    2. Micro Teaching | Women are a vital source of nourishment and energy for Men

    3. Bonus | Deeper musings in Criticism, How we nourish men & Feminine revealing

    4. Embodiment call | RITUAL

    5. Micro Teaching | The Feminine frequency goes first

    1. Theory Call | Beginning to understand men

    2. Some New Statements about men

    3. Micro Teaching | Men love to provide for us

    4. Bonus | A mans perspective - featuring Braedy Mac

    5. Embodiment Call | Expanding into archetypes

    6. Q & A | Revealing, our Oracle & feminine vulnerability

    7. Micro Teaching | Men have focused awareness, this is a strength!

    8. Bonus | A mans perspective - featuring Damien Bohler

    1. Theory Call | Exploring Feminine expression

    2. Theory Call | continued - Embodiment practice

    3. Micro Teaching | The Feminine frequency is magnetic and inviting

    4. Micro teaching | Men seek efficiency

    5. Embodiment Call | Nourishment practice

    6. Micro Teaching | Sex is a form of deep connection for Men

    7. Bonus | Mini teachings around How men Think

About this course

  • $444.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 22 hours of video content

plus some Bonus goodies

Ontop of 3 months of powerful call recordings & weekly practices you also get..

  • Bonus Audio downloads

    Includes Downloadable guided embodiment practices for ongoing use at home.

  • Special Guest speakers

    Enjoy video interviews with male Coaches who share their perspective on how men and women can cultivate healthier relationships.

  • Lifetime access

    Ongoing access to the course content. Plus the opportunity to participate in future LIVE DEVOTED group containers at a massive discount.

Are you are ready to truly, deeply wholly embrace your most feminine essence?

Dive into this deep 3 month journey with your body, your heart and transform your relationship to men. Join now if you are ready to reignite trust in men the masculine.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to be in a relationship to benefit from DEVOTED?

    No, this program is for women of all relationship status who simply want to improve their relationship to men and the masculine - now and in the future.

  • Should I tell my partner about this course?

    You can, however I encourage you to consider doing it purely for yourself and for your own learnings and inner work. He will reap the benefits of what you explore, whether you tell him or not.

  • How much time do I need to set aside?

    Making 1.5-2 hours a week to go through the live call replays, one each week would serve you well. However the benefit of it all being online is you can work at your own pace and continue forward if you are ready for more!

  • What if I'm not Heterosexual?

    Every woman is welcome here and can still stand to benefit from healing her own relationship to men, even if she isn't dating them.

  • Are there any refunds?

    No, there are no refunds for this online course.

Your facilitator

Relational Intimacy Facilitator & Womens Embodiment Coach Bree Taylor Molyneaux

For 25 years Bree has been immersed in the fields of psychosomatics, trauma, mindset and adult relationships. Deeply passionate about helping women heal their relationship to their sensuality and eros through Embodiment, she also helps feminine women heal their relationships to masculine men. A trauma informed Clinical Hypnotherapist and qualified Embodiment facilitator Bree has studied with many world class relationship & embodiment specialists including Michaela Boehm, Gillian Pothier and John Wineland. An experienced facilitator with a reputation for her grounded seamless offerings and potent ritual spaces, Bree is an emerging leader in the field of Embodiment & Sacred Intimacy in Australia.